Publicación de la semana: “SCI-FI”


Editado por: CLOG
Idioma: Inglés
ISBN: 978-0-983-8204-6-8
Año: 2013
Autores: Varios autores
Dónde encontrarlo: En este link de CLOG

Sobre el libro:

La influencia de la arquitectura en la representación de las ciudades en el cine, es lo que reúne este libro a través de varios artículos. Si a esto le sumamos los imaginarios de ciudades que se ven en las películas de ciencia ficción, se obtiene que el cine de éste género revela cómo podría ser una sociedad y cómo sería su relación con su espacio urbano, que en la práctica no existe. Otro elemento que se aborda en el libro es el rol que juega la tecnología en las ciudades del futuro que se construyen a través del cine.


10 Citizens of Earth, Cities of Heaven
12 On Definitios
14 Science Architecture Fiction
16 The Weapons of the Metabaron
18 Metabunker’s in da House (Scherzo)
20 Science Fiction Rant
22 The Architecture of the Future and the Future of Architecture
24 Sidewalks Bridges
26 “In the Future” City Postcards
28 1929
30 Monumental Public Architecture of the Interwar Period and the Dystopian Imagination
32 Modern Urban Planning in Post-War Science Fiction
34 Googie
36 Airstream
38 We no longer predict tomorrow. We only critique the now.
40 Banham + Pulp
42 Dhstopian London CA.1988: Max Headroom
44 When is the future?
46 Science Fiction in Architecture: Mask or Fissure?
48 Home sweet space
50 The Megastructure in space!
54 Future perfect apartment block
56 Interview with Joseph Kosinski
62 Worlds within worlds
64 2001: A space odyssey analysis
66 It’s bigger on the inside
68 Dude, where’s my floating car?
70 A Landing pad on every rooftop: Yesterday’s city of tomorrow
72 Opening the door to robots in America
74 Alien Afterparty
76 A Surfeit of Surface
78 Progenerative Intelligences
80 Centerfold
82 We can remember it for you

84 Total Recall
86 A Dune that did and didn’t happen
88 Elevator to the Wilderness
90 Save the Lars Homestead
92 “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…”
94 That’s no moon. But is it Architecture?
95 Resistance is futile
96 Interview with Ryan Church
100 Zero G
101 Pyramid
102 Look, I am your father
104 Grid
106 The shape of the future
108 A star in a bottle
110 Deconstructing the death star
112 “Hey… It’s a ball…” An eyewitness account of the birth of Oma’s death star
114 Five these for the city of spheres
116 SCI-FI Urbanism
118 Contemporary representation of the dystopian city SCI-FI films
120 2001 (%)
122 Shanghai SCI-FI skyline
124 Jacked
126 Under tomorrows sky. A project for the future city
128 Holography for Architecture – A missed opportunity
130 Architecture through a SCI-FI lens
132 Is Google the next starchitect?
134 Distracted by Fertility: SCI-FI and speculative architecture
136 Analog – Digital – Organic
138 Future animals
140 What does architecture know?
142 Zona Archeologica
144 Constructing the virtual + Pirating Space
146 100 Year Starship
148 Science Fiction as a mens to create momentum for radical change
150 Contributors
156 Image Credits


“Images have so influenced the production of contemporary cities like Ras al-Khaimah that its reality cannot be considered with- out its virtuality. Built on desert sand with little urban history, these Gulf cities have all but images as references to fuel the production of its skylines. These images project a city’s future where the distinction between reality and imagination is blurred. Koolhaas’s design is illustrated against the backdrop of a starry night with the red afterglow of moving cars streaking into darkness, evoking its fictional counterpart hovering in space with Starfighters flying by. This image is read as both factual and fictional narratives for the design, suspend- ing us in a moment of disbelief between the building and its popular imagination”.